Beijing Opera
京剧是中国流行最为广泛,影响最大的一个剧种。已经有近200多年的历史了(with a history of almost 200 years),在长期的发展过程中(in development),京剧形成了一套虚拟表演动作(Beijing Opera formed a number of fictitious props),比如一条浆就可以代表一只船(for instance a pedal means a boat),演员不需要任何道具(With any physical props involved),就能表现出上楼,下楼,开门,关门等动作(an actor may perform going upstairs or downstairs,opening or closing a door by mere gestures),这些动作虽然经过了夸张(though exaggerated actions would give audience),但是给观众既真实又优美的感觉(an impression with graceful movements),京剧演员分生,旦,净,丑四个行当(there are four main roles Sheng,Dan ,Jing and Chou)。生、旦的化妆要描眉、掉眉、画眼圈(a Sheng or Dan has the eyebrows painted and eyes circled),净、丑的化妆要根据京剧的脸谱来勾画(a Jing or Chou have their facial makeup),比如忠勇的人要画红脸(e.g. A red face depicts the loyalty and bravery),奸诈的人要画白脸(and the white face symbolizes treachery and guile)。 讨论话题内容: