课程概括为汉语零基础的人士量身订做,从最简单的拼音字母开始学起,讲解“声母、韵母、声调、语音拼写规则、轻声、儿话、音变”等语音知识。由浅入深地学习中文的发音方法。 课程目标:
拼音介绍具体课程Lesson 1: Basic knowledge of Chinese pronunciation, such as initial consonants, single final consonants, vowel a, o, e, intonations, etc. Lesson 2: Initial Consonants d, t, n, l; Single Final Consonants i, u, ü, and neutral intonation. Lesson 3: Initial Consonants g, k, h, final consonants i, ei, ao, ou, and the Orthographic Rules of them. Lesson 4: Intonation Variation: transposition of 3rd tone, and half-tone. Lesson 5: Initial consonants j, q, x and final consonants ia, ie, iao, iou(-iu)and their orthographic rules. Lesson 6: Initial consonants j, q, x, final consonants ian, in, iang, ing, iong and their orthographic rules. Lesson 7: Initial consonants zh, ch, final consonant - i, and compound final consonants an, en and their combination rules. Lesson 8: Initial consonants sh, r, compound final consonants ang, eng, ong and their combination rules. Lesson 9: Initial consonants z, c, s, compound final consonants ua, uo uai, uei(-ui). Lesson 10: Review z, c, s, compound final consonants uɑn, uen(-un), uang, ueng. 价格介绍
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